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Dear Friends and Family,

Monsoon season has definitely settled into Northeast Arizona. We have gotten weeks of much-needed rain. Everything looks much greener and lush than normal (the weeds happen to be loving it as well).   Not only have we experienced lusher, greener land in this season but we have also spiritually been experiencing lush and fruitful ministry.

Our kickoff event for the school year was one of the fruits of labor we experienced.  We had many new students come and hear from one of our students who became a Christian this past June share her testimony.  She held her audience captive with how God has transformed her life and continues to do so. 

The Well (our ministry to our Christian students) has been going steady each week.  The High School students are doing an overview of the Old Testament per their request. They just finished the book of Leviticus. Each week they try to cover 1 or more OT books.  The middle school students are studying through the book of Philippians. 

 A new ministry was birthed a few weeks ago for young people ages 19-29.  One of our young leaders, Emma, has been leading the way in beginning this ministry and has done a fantastic job. It is called “The Next Chapter.”  Each week, young people meet on Thursdays and discuss a Christian book and talk about its impact on their lives.  Currently, they are reading through C.S. Lewis’ book Mere Christianity.  We will certainly miss Emma when she has to leave us in January, but we are grateful for her enthusiasm and commitment to this group.  

This month we will not only be having our yearly Willis Farm event where we wander through corn mazes and play laser tag but we will also hear testimony from another one of our young leaders and how God is working in her life. We will also be attending an Operation Christmas Child (OCC) event where our students will be able to hear from a shoebox recipient and be encouraged among other students to continue the good work of spreading the Gospel to children all over the world through OCC shoeboxes.    

We would love for you to join us in prayer over a few things:

  1. We are praying about when to start up our young mom’s ministry. We have several young moms we are in contact with but praying for the right leaders to help and the timing to begin this journey.
  2. Our students at school to begin Crosswalk again on campus. We are wanting to provide a place for Christian students to come together each week during lunch to support each other and provide some devotion time.
  3. Please continue to pray for a building if it is God’s plan for us. We would love to provide a place for students to come after school where they can hang out, have homework help, and provide activities for not only students but also the young adults as well.
  4. Continued prayer and financial support for this ministry. We have been blessed with support not only from AZ but also from other people around the USA.  We are grateful for the prayer and financial support. 

Thank you so much for your prayers and support of Oasis Youth Ministries!  


Jerad & Carrie Burgess